Rain always bring new hope.that could be the new hope of life... healthy rain will bring new hope to be healthy......😀😁
DIABETESDiabetes mellitus is a clinical syndrome characterized by hyperglycemia due to absolute or relative deficiency of insulin.that means it caused by increased blood glucose level above normal.
causes of Diabetes
Most commonly it occurs due to autoimmune type1diabetes or to adult on set type2 diabetes.lack of insulin affects the metabolism of carbohydrate ,protein and fat and can cause a significant disturbance of water and electrolyte homeostasis.
symptoms of hyperglycemia
- thirst,dry mouth
- polyuria
- nocturia
- tiredness,fatigue
- recent change in weight
- burring of vision pruritus vulva,,genital candidiasis
- nausea,headache.
- hyperphagia,predirection for sweet food
- mood change,irritability,apathy,lack of concentration.
Treatment of diabetes :
In treatment usually we use oral hypoglycemic agents and in some case we need to use insulin.Both of them can be very much help full to control diabetes .
To control diabetes the most important thing is a perfect balanced diet with adequate physical exercise.
Food that a diabetic patients should eat:
To control diabetics a balanced and perfect diet is most most important .With medicine , we have to control the way of living of a diabetic patient.A diabetic patient should take carbohydrate,protein and fat in re-commanded amount that was prescribed by the doctor.other then that they can take better gourd juice in early morning that have a magical power to control diabetes. Neem is the other power full remedy for diabetes.it could control diabetes and also can boost up your immune system,it can lower your blood pressure and it can detoxify your blood.
what is diabetic hypoglycemia:
We all know in Diabetes blood sugar level increases then its lower limit.That is also known as hyperglycemia but in diabetes there is another condition which is very much common,that is diabetic hypoglycemia.It is a condition where due to prolong use of diabetic drugs(hypoglycemic agent specially insulin)instead of hyperglycemia hypoglycemia occurs.Hypoglycemia is a condition when blood glucose level decreases then its lower limit(<3.5mmol/l{63mg/dl}). It really is a serious condition about 2-4%insulin treated patients died due to hypoglycemia.the unrecognized mortality may be higher.So it is very important to know about the condition.Every diabetic patients specially those who are treated with insulin or sulphonylurea drug must be very much alert.All of them should know that any time they can face that condition.Adequate patients education ;is needed in that case.People treated with insulin should carry some form of fast acting glucose.That could be glucose drink,tablets,or confectionery.These glucose should be carried all the time.That will help the patient to correct blood glucose level.HOW TO KNOW I AM HYPOGLYCEMIC NOW:
It is very important to know what are the sing of hypoglycemia.These are
- sweating
- trembling
- anxiety
- speech difficulty
- in-coordination
- drowsiness
- confusion
- All patients should know about these sings.
- That could save life.so be care full all you need to do is be very alert about the sings of hypoglycemia.Be safe be protected .BY😊😊
- silver sky
health is wealth
ReplyDeleteThank you for this post.diëtist Zaandam
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